Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Still Here

Wow, where did three months go? That's about how long it's been since I last posted something.
I suppose there are a couple of reasons; for one I tend to not be terribly consistent with diaries/journals/blogs and such, and secondly, I've yet to have any interraction here. I've yet to see any comments from visitors. And I don't even know if I've had any visitors. (Okay, you can bring out the violins now...woe is me.) I know this blog is searchable and I thought at least the DylanDevotional would have picked up my Dylan post via RSS feed, but it just hasn't happened. Then again, I don't think I started this blog with any grand ideas about getting visitors. My perspective was that I was doing this more for myself than anyone else. Perhaps I need to think bigger. I was posting fairly regularly for a while and I know regularity is one of the keys to keeping people interested and coming back. Well, those are my thoughts for the moment. You may gently put away your violins now. Thanks.