I don't like sitting in traffic. Does anyone? Yesterday, a trip home which usually takes 10 minutes took twice that. In fact, it took me 10 minutes just to exit a parking lot! I know it's mostly the frenzied rush created by last minute Christmas shoppers, and it will all be over in a couple of days.
There is such a wide-ranging display of emotions this time of year. We have the warmth felt through human compassion, the joy of hearing and singing classic carols and the annoyance of hearing 17 versions of "I'll Be Home for Christmas" or "Santa Claus is Coming Town". Then there's that tinge of sadness lingering amidst it all; a sadness in being far away from loved ones, of being alone just because you're alone or perhaps as a result of buckling under the pressures of commerce to spend, spend, spend when you have very little.
But there's another aspect of human character which tends to reveal itself: a sense of wonder and hope regarding the coming of Christ, of Messiah Yeshua. Even among those who don't follow Him, you can sometimes discern an openness to the magic of the Christmas story. Partly, this is because of the biblical truths of Christmas which seem to find vehicles of expression, despite the tendencies of those normally opposed to such things, such as mainstream radio music directors.
This season, let us reach out to someone around us and invite them to our Christmas Eve service if we have one. If that's not possible, how about presenting a gift that also somehow serves as a loving reminder of Christ Jesus? Rather than relegating our Christmas celebrations to simply being traditions we celebrate in the church, why not see this season as offering the golden opportunity it truly does? And I suggest there's something else we should do: pray for that person that he or she would be greatly blessed in this time. Wouldn't it make you feel good to hear someone say years from now, "My life changed on Christmas Eve 2009 when I had an encounter with Jesus Christ."? Let's be ministry-minded regarding this entire season and seek for opportunities to be a blessing to people in Jesus name.
"Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." (Isaiah 7:14 KJV)