Hey, I'm back from my blogobattical! Yesterday, along with a number of brethren, I attended ISI in Bloomfield, CT at First Cathedral. I really liked that it was called an "equipping" conference because my hopes were that I would come away with something that would help me be a better man in all aspects. My hopes were not let down as we enjoyed times of worship in a musical setting along with over three thousand men, as well as hearing from numerous speakers.
The praise band from Christian Fellowship, all the way from Scotland ...................... (Connecticut) did a great job. I was blessed by the energy, enthusiasm and sheer musicality of their percussionist who also played recorder on a rendition of "Days of Elijah". It was refreshing to hear a mix of songs, some new to me and some familiar, at different times throughout the day.
Highlights for me included a workshop entitled "Satan: Your Most Attractive Enemy" presented by Steve Kemp of Antioch School. This talk was a short walk down the road at another church and was standing room only, though some of us chose to sit on the carpeted concrete floor. While far from comfortable, this seating option presented a 0% chance of nodding off- even for a moment. Even if I was sitting on a sofa, it wouldn't have mattered because Steve's talk was compelling. He taught about the subtle ways Satan deceives and betrays us and dispelled erroneous, culture-formed images of who Satan and his demons are. A crucial point in his talk was on how the primary way they betray us is by "getting us to settle for good things rather than what is godly", or what God wants for us.
Much thanks to Frank, Steve, and Nes for a great lunch which they coordinated. Though it was quite chilly, we ate outside where we set up a table and lawn chairs. It was good eats and good fellowship.
The afternoon talk I attended in the main sanctuary was given by Barry Black, Chaplain to the U.S. Senate. The title of the message was "Found Faithful", which I found encouraging and challenging. Chaplain Black's authoritative and animated delivery were the right vehicle to convey importance of being found faithful by Almighty God in all things- even the little things. A key point was that "faithfulness keeps you from aborting God's plan "A" for your life." Joseph was cited as a great example of someone who was faithful, to the point of finding favor with his fellow prisoners to the point where they helped grant him favor in the eyes of Pharaoh, which would eventually lead to his helping his brothers and the people of Israel during the seven years of famine.
There were tons of vendors and exhibitors as well, though I refrained by buying anything- mostly because I already have several books I haven't read yet. Perhaps I'll order some of the mp3's from the ISI website.