Friday, August 28, 2009

A great product for an achey pet

This is a first for my blog, but I'm going to recommend a product which has been a big help to our beloved Maxley. It's a liquid compound from Newton Homeopathics For Pets which simply says, "Rheumatic Pain" on the label of the one ounce dropper bottle (shown above).
The ol' pup, who used to race me up our thirteen steps until about a year ago, was increasingly having trouble with what I assumed was arthritis or rheumatism. It had reached the point where I had to go from coaxing and gently pulling to having to carry his 75lb. carcass up the stairs.
I've known of folks giving their dogs baby aspirin with a vet's approval and even one guy who told me he crushed up a glucosamine and condroitin pill once a day for his dog and he said it worked. I haven't tried either of those two things so I can't comment on how effective they are.
I found this product at Back to Earth, a health store here in Torrington, CT. Its goes for $14 (the same price as ordering direct) and is to be administered orally in six-drop doses as needed. We started with six drops per day but didn't see any improvement. After the first week we increased the dosage to six drops two times per day- and what a difference it has made! Max is now getting up the stairs without any help from me after about three weeks. Actually, I would say we started seeing results in about two weeks with the increased dosage.
I would highly recommend this product for your dog who may be struggling with any sort of joint pain or stiffness. What a blessing it has been to us and our fine furry friend.

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