Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Proverbs 18:21

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit." (Proverbs 18:21 NAS)

It's seems pretty plain doesn't it? We can either speak death or life. We can build someone up with words of appreciation and encouragement or we can tear them down with criticism and discouragement. Much of Proverbs deals with the tongue. Incidentally, the third chapter in the epistle of James has a great deal to say about it also. How a person speaks says a lot about who that person is. It reveals what's in the heart. Sure, anyone can put up a front for a little while but it's only a matter of time before the facade begins to crumble. Speaking, or even writing for that matter, allow us the opportunity to ascribe value to people. On the flip side, saying the wrong things or failing to say the right things can inflict wounds that last a lifetime. How do you suppose it is we can remember words said to us decades ago? There is great power in the tongue. You've heard the saying, "Loose lips sink ships"? How about, "The pen is mightier than the sword"?

We must make up our minds to wisely use this great power our Almighty God has entrusted us with. As I said above, sometimes not saying the right things (such as, "I love you" or "I'm sorry") are just as damaging as saying wrong things. Let's choose to speak life, even when it's more popular to denigrate people. Let us be conscious of the words that come forth from our lips and let them be pleasing unto the Lord. This is one of the reasons it is so important to be filled with the words of the Holy Bible, to read and meditate on them and let them saturate our minds. "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer." (Psalm 19:14 NAS)


Rose said...

Another post full of profound truth! This is one I memorized 35 years ago, and it's very sobering to think that _every word_ that comes out of my mouth ministers either death or life to the hearer.
It's important to avoid negative "self-talk" too.. we can literally curse ourselves by telling ourselves,(and/or curse others by telling them) "You're no good", "You'll never succeed", "You're so ugly", "No one will ever love you"... Also, saying things like "I wish I were dead!", "I want to die!", etc. can literally invite a spirit of suicide to oppress you, to the point of needing literal deliverance from the spirit before you can be free.
And in regard to not saying things that we should say, the passive-aggression of the "silent treatment"/ignoring someone very often inflicts far more damage than even saying harsh words. (Men seem far more prone to use this one than women... I'm getting that right now from several different guys in work & fellowship environments, and when it happens, it feels like I'm being physically slammed or stabbed.)
Keep up the insightful posts, brother...they are a real blessing.

Rose said...

(I literally think I probably shouldn't have used "literal/ly" so many times in that post! ;-) )

Mike Roots said...

thank you so much for your insightful remarks. You're right on about the negative self-talk- excellent points. Also, yes, the silent treatment (I hadn't quite thought of it that way) can really do damage. It also amazes me how complimenting someone can be the catalyst for change. Even when we're in a funk, it's hard for a kind word or even a hug not to change our demeanor. What power our Creator has given the tongue.
Rose, thanks for the encouraging, life-enriching words.