Thursday, January 7, 2010

Are you a people person?

"Therefore, if any is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come." (II Corinthians 5:17 NASB)

We've all heard someone say one or more of the following. Perhaps we've even said or thought them ourselves.

"I'm really not a people person."

"I don't really like to use the phone."

"I'm kind of a loner."

"I don't like hospitals." (Like, who does!)

"I don't like funerals." (Like, who does!)

"The more I get to know people, the more I love my dog." (A bumper sticker I saw the other day!)

All of those "I's" should alone be enough of a clue that our perspective on things is more than a bit distorted. Sure, some of these sound rather humorous but underneath there may be some issues we need to deal with. There may be aspects of ourselves which have yet to be totally surrendered to the Lord and are in need of His shaping.

While I recognize we all have unique characteristics and distinctions that make up our personalities, the love of Christ flowing through us and into the lives of others ought to supercede such natural tendencies. Our love for Almighty God, and therefore for others as well, should be the source of motivation to move us to do what goes against our nature. It should be what moves us to do things we may not feel comfortable doing.

Our desire to obey Him and do what pleases Him ought to override our own preferences. I'm convinced that if we wait until we feel comfortable with doing certain things we may never do them.

I'm so thankful the Lord Jesus Christ was willing do that which was uncomfortable out of loving obedience to the Father!

And I am so thankful for His love for us which brought triumph through the tragedy of the cross. Could it possibly be these things we say or think are just thin disguises for fear or selfishness?

Might it be that we need to love more, and learn to love more?

Let's ask Almighty God to increase the love in our hearts for Him, for His people and for the those apart from Him and let's live in accord with what we pray for, walking in faith, believing He'll do this very thing which is His perfect will, one step at a time.

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